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First State Bank and Trust Co.

Bill Pay

Paying bills online has never been easier.

We offer a solution to pay bills electronically in one place. It's more secure than writing a check, and you don't have to worry about postage. 
  • Schedule payments in advance. 
  • Schedule recurring payments. 
  • Keep payee info in one location.
  • Pay anywhere and anytime.


  1. Login to your FSBT online account.
  2. Click Bill Pay in the online banking navigation menu. 
  3. Click Add a Payee. Then click Continue.
  4. Select the options that describes your payee - Company, Person or Bank. 
  5. Enter the information, and click Next.
  6. Once the payee has been added, enter the amount to pay, and chose the date of payment. Click Make it Recurring if this is a bill you pay on a regular basis.

To have the best experience paying bills online, use Internet Explorer as your browser or download the 1View FSBT mobile app from your app store!


BillPay Terms & Conditions
Business BillPay Terms & Conditions